About Dezyne Forum @ Verum

Welcome to the Dezyne discussion Forum! We’re glad you’re here!

You can use these forums to ask questions about Dezyne, the related technology, use cases, announcements and much more…

Please share tips and tricks you’ve learned with your fellow users.

Private Messages
While our forums support the use of private messages, we urge you to ask your questions directly in the forums. If you ask you question publicly, everyone using the forum will have the benefit of learning the answer. Private messages should be used sparingly and only to communicate about private matters, for example when you are invited to send a private message to another user who would like further information about an error message that may reveal confidential information about your company’s infrastructure.

Using the Forums Solely via Email
For people who generally prefer mailing lists to forums, we’ve got you covered. You can interact with this forum solely via email by:

  1. Setting up your user preferences so that you receive messages posted to each forum category/thread within it as often as you would like.
  2. Starting discussions by sending your email to the appropriate mailing address per category, e.g. verum+dezyne-6@discoursemail.com.

Reporting Issues with Using the Forum
Please post issues with using the forums, such as being unable to reply to a forum thread via email, a post disappearing, etc., in this “Forum @ Verum” category. Our team monitors this category so we can help you if you are having problems.