Automatic Lights: A Complex System with One-Button Deployment

A Complete Template for Professional Development in Verum Dezyne

Hello everyone! :wave:

If you’re new to Verum Dezyne and looking for a robust starting point, I’d like to share a complete Automatic High Beams Switching Example. This project serves as both a practical introduction to Dezyne and a reusable template for professional development.

Why This Example is Ideal for Beginners

  1. All Tools and Scripts Included:

    • The project comes with everything you need to verify, build, and execute Dezyne models.
    • Cross-platform scripts for Windows and Linux are included.
  2. Combines Models with Hand-Written Code:

    • Demonstrates how to integrate Dezyne-generated models with custom logic written in C++.
  3. Deployable Application:

    • The final result is a fully functional executable that triggers the model logic and is ready for further expansion.
  4. Professional-Grade Design:

    • Modular and well-documented, making it easy to adapt to real-world scenarios.


  • Generate Executable Code:
    • Generate C++ code from .dzn models using the included verification and build scripts.
  • Hand-Written Code Integration:
    • Learn how to extend and combine generated code with custom logic.
  • State-Based Behavior:
    • Implements a realistic Automatic High Beams Switching System, complete with:
      • Sensor inputs (light and vehicle detection).
      • Manual and automatic modes.
      • Timer logic for smooth transitions.
  • Requirement Validation:
    • Built-in formal validation using Dezyne’s illegal states for safety-critical requirements.

How to Get Started

Clone the repository and follow the included User Guide for setup and usage:

Key Steps

  1. Setup Prerequisites:
    • Install the required tools and configure paths in config.json.
  2. Modify/extend/create new models
    • Add new components
    • Add new implementations (hand-written code)
  3. Verify Models:
    • Verify single model using right-click context menu
    • Run the provided verification script to validate all .dzn files.
  4. Build the Project:
    • Use the build script to compile the executable.
karol@karol:~/finished_projects/AutomaticLightsExample$ python3
Project Name: AutomaticLightsProject
Dezyne Path: /home/karol/dezyne-2.18.3
Runtime Path: /home/karol/dezyne-2.18.3/runtime/c++
=== Detecting Compiler Environment ===
Detected GCC environment.
=== Running CMake Configuration ===
-- CMake version: 3.28.3
-- System name: 
-- CMake generator: Unix Makefiles
-- C compiler: /usr/bin/cc
-- C++ compiler: /usr/bin/c++
-- Parsed project name: AutomaticLightsProject
-- Parsed Dezyne runtime path: /home/karol/dezyne-2.18.3/runtime/c++
-- Dezyne tool path: /home/karol/dezyne-2.18.3/dzn
-- Project successfully configured!
-- Configuring done (0.0s)
-- Generating done (0.0s)
-- Build files have been written to: /home/karol/finished_projects/AutomaticLightsExample/build
=== Building Target: generate_dezyne_code ===
[  7%] Generating /home/karol/finished_projects/AutomaticLightsExample/build/ and /home/karol/finished_projects/AutomaticLightsExample/build/AutomaticLights.hh from /home/karol/finished_projects/AutomaticLightsExample/Models/AutomaticLights.dzn
[100%] Built target generate_dezyne_code
=== Re-running CMake Configuration with Generated Files ===
-- CMake version: 3.28.3
-- System name: 
-- CMake generator: Unix Makefiles
-- C compiler: /usr/bin/cc
-- C++ compiler: /usr/bin/c++
-- Parsed project name: AutomaticLightsProject
-- Parsed Dezyne runtime path: /home/karol/dezyne-2.18.3/runtime/c++
-- Dezyne tool path: /home/karol/dezyne-2.18.3/dzn
-- Project successfully configured!
-- Configuring done (0.0s)
-- Generating done (0.0s)
-- Build files have been written to: /home/karol/finished_projects/AutomaticLightsExample/build
=== Building Target: all ===
[ 34%] Built target generate_dezyne_code
[ 48%] Built target DezyneRuntime
[ 51%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/AutomaticLightsProject.dir/
[ 53%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/AutomaticLightsProject.dir/main.cpp.o
[ 56%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/AutomaticLightsProject.dir/
[ 58%] Linking CXX executable /home/karol/finished_projects/AutomaticLightsExample/AutomaticLightsProject
[100%] Built target AutomaticLightsProject
=== Build Completed Successfully ===
  1. Run the Application:
    • Test and extend the generated system logic.
karol@karol:~/finished_projects/AutomaticLightsExample$ ./AutomaticLightsProject 
Dezyne component successfully created.
<external>.module.Initialize -> AutoLightsSystem.modeSelector.module.Initialize
AutoLightsSystem.modeSelector.config.GetLightDelay -> AutoLightsSystem.config.api.GetLightDelay
AutoLightsSystem.modeSelector.config.Result:Ok <- AutoLightsSystem.config.api.Result:Ok
<external>.module.Result:Ok <- AutoLightsSystem.modeSelector.module.Result:Ok
Automatic Lights System Initialized.
AutoLightsSystem.modeSelector.<q> <- <external>.lightSensor.LowLight
AutoLightsSystem.modeSelector.lightSensor.LowLight <- AutoLightsSystem.modeSelector.<q>
AutoLightsSystem.modeSelector.lightsTimer.Create -> AutoLightsSystem.lightsTimer.api.Create
AutoLightsSystem.modeSelector.lightsTimer.return <- AutoLightsSystem.lightsTimer.api.return
AutoLightsSystem.modeSelector.<q> <- AutoLightsSystem.lightsTimer.api.Timeout
AutoLightsSystem.modeSelector.lightsTimer.Timeout <- AutoLightsSystem.modeSelector.<q>
AutoLightsSystem.modeSelector.highBeams.TurnOn -> <external>.relay.TurnOn
HighBeamsOn set to true.
AutoLightsSystem.modeSelector.highBeams.return <- <external>.relay.return

User Guide Highlights

The repository includes a detailed guide: and It covers:

  1. Prerequisites: Tools like Python, CMake, GCC/MinGW, and the Dezyne tool.
  2. Scripts: Python, .sh, and .bat scripts for cross-platform verification and builds.
  3. Step-by-Step Instructions:
    • How to verify .dzn models.
    • How to build and deploy the final executable.
  4. Troubleshooting:
    • Solutions for common errors (e.g., compiler not found, missing Dezyne tool).
  5. Algorith explanation:
    • Review and purpose of system interfaces and components.


Below image is an example application of automatic light switching in the BMW.
This project includes a lights sensor that monitors ambient light conditions

Why Use This Example?

This template saves time by providing:

  • A working example to explore Dezyne’s capabilities.

  • All key functionalities and concepts needed for professional development

  • Initial integration of interfaces and foreing components

  • Tools to automate verification and builds.

  • A foundation to build professional-grade systems.

Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced developer, this project is a great way to start using Verum Dezyne for real-world applications.

Combining Dezyne Models with Hand-Written Code

When working with Verum Dezyne, integrating models with hand-written code is essential for building complete systems. There are two main approaches for this integration:

  1. Using Foreign Components
  2. Implementing Interfaces with Lambda Expressions

1. Using Foreign Components

Foreign components allow you to define the behavior of certain parts of your system in hand-written code while maintaining a formal contract with the Dezyne model.

Step 1: Declare the Foreign Component

Define the foreign component in the Dezyne model without specifying its behavior. For example:

component ConfigComponent {
    provides IConfig api;

Step 2: Skeleton Declaration

The Dezyne tool generates a skeleton for the foreign component, which serves as a template for implementation. For example:

// Generated by dzn code
#include <dzn/runtime.hh>
#include "Config.hh"

namespace skel {
    struct ConfigComponent: public dzn::component {
        dzn::meta dzn_meta;
        dzn::runtime& dzn_runtime;
        dzn::locator const& dzn_locator;

        ::IConfig api;

        ConfigComponent(dzn::locator const& locator);
        virtual ~ConfigComponent();

        virtual ::Result api_GetLightDelay(int& ms) = 0;

Step 3: Implement the Foreign Component

Create a class that inherits from the generated skeleton and implement the required methods:

#pragma once
#include "ConfigSkel.hh"

struct ConfigComponent : skel::ConfigComponent {
    ConfigComponent(dzn::locator const& locator);

    ::Result api_GetLightDelay(int& ms) override;

#include "ConfigComponent.hh"

ConfigComponent::ConfigComponent(dzn::locator const& locator) :

::Result ConfigComponent::api_GetLightDelay(int& ms) {
    ms = 3000; // Set delay to 3000ms
    return Result::Ok;

Step 4: Use the Foreign Component in the System

Finally, bind the foreign component in your system definition:

ModeSelector modeSelector;
ConfigComponent config;

2. Implementing Interfaces with Lambda Expressions

For simpler scenarios, interfaces in Dezyne can be implemented directly as lambda expressions in hand-written code. This approach is perfect for handling events, callbacks, or state changes.

Step 1: Declare the Interface in the System

Define the interface requirement in the Dezyne model:

requires IHighBeamsRelay relay;

system {
    ModeSelector modeSelector;
    modeSelector.highBeams <=> relay;

Step 2: Implement the Interface as a Lambda

In your hand-written code, provide the behavior for the interface using lambda expressions:

bool HighBeamsOn = false;

// Capture `HighBeamsOn` by reference in the lambda
autoLightsSystem-> = [&HighBeamsOn]() {
    HighBeamsOn = true;
    std::cout << "HighBeamsOn set to true." << std::endl;

autoLightsSystem-> = [&HighBeamsOn]() {
    HighBeamsOn = false;
    std::cout << "HighBeamsOn set to false." << std::endl;

This approach is concise and ideal for implementing simple, isolated logic.

When to Use Each Approach

  • Foreign Components:

    • Best for complex logic or behavior requiring maintainability and reusability.
    • Provides a strong contract between the model and the hand-written code.
  • Lambda Expressions:

    • Best for simple behaviors, like events or quick responses.
    • Reduces overhead for implementing small, isolated pieces of logic.

Further Reading

For a more in-depth explanation of these approaches, check out this excellent blog post: Fatal Dimensions Blog. It provides a detailed discussion on combining Dezyne models with hand-written code, including practical examples and advanced tips.

Feel free to ask questions or share your thoughts in the comments. Let’s learn together and build amazing systems with Verum Dezyne! :rocket: