Reference manual: External multiple out events


I tried to run the example models described in section 5.4 of the Reference manual but discovered that the verification of all models failed. Unfortunately I was not able to determine/understand if or why these errors are valid or invalid.

Verifying component external_multiple_out1 results in the queue-full error:

verify: external_multiple_out1: check: deterministic: ok
verify: external_multiple_out1: check: illegal: fail
error: queue full in model external_multiple_out1
/home/pavlov/projects/dezyne/all_events/08_external_multiple_out_events.dzn:25:15: error: queue-full in component "J1"

Verifying component external_multiple_out2 results in the queue-full error:

verify: external_multiple_out2: check: deterministic: ok
verify: external_multiple_out2: check: illegal: fail
error: queue full in model external_multiple_out2
/home/pavlov/projects/dezyne/all_events/08_external_multiple_out_events.dzn:65:15: error: queue-full in component "J2"

Verifying component external_multiple_out3 results in the deadlock error:

verify: external_multiple_out3: check: deterministic: ok
verify: external_multiple_out3: check: illegal: fail
error: queue full in model external_multiple_out3
/home/pavlov/projects/dezyne/all_events/08_external_multiple_out_events.dzn:103:3: error: deadlock

As I am a new member I am only able to add one attachment. Therefore I only attached images a bout the first model.

Hi pvberkel,

In case of external ports you need to specify queue size during verification.
For example: path\to\dezyne\ide.cmd verify --queue-size-external=3 -I . path/to/model/forum_model.dzn

You can easily modify VS Code extension command by adding queue size. For more details please type “verify --help”.

Let me know if you have more questions

Hi karkob,

Thank you this indeed solved the queue-size error for models external_multiple_out1 and external_multiple_out2 during both verification and simulation.

Unfortunately this results in a new problem in which the simulation of both models cause a deadlock after the first even. De verification on the other hand does not detect a deadlock.
For model external_multiple_out3 the original deadlock has disappeared for the first event but now occurs after the second event during simulation and now the verification also does not detect any deadlock.

I tried different queue sizes but this did not solve the problem.

Hi pvberkel,

This is a known bug for the current simulator which has been addressed in the new simulator (which will be available in future release).

It is a rather academic example (two out events on a single modelling event on an external declared port).

When the whole trace is offered to the simulator it works currently, but when single stepping through the trace it reports wrongly a deadlock. (If you ignore the deadlock and just select “r.a” it continues correctly in the ide, just make sure to simulate with extended queue size “simulate --queue-size-external=3”)

Again, sorry for the inconvenience, we are currently making big changes in the core of Dezyne


Hi karkob,

Thank you for the explanation. Nice to know it is already fixed in development.
